
Posts Tagged ‘competition’

As usual with my training with Dr Wu, we would just immerse ourselves in a form and not really have an idea what we were doing. I think it had to do with with the language barrier, since I do like having things explained out nicely. However, I do appreciate the concentration that does come from simply observing, repeating, and then observing one’s self. After relearning the 24 form, and then having a taste of the larger Yang forms. We learned the combination and competition styles that were a synthesis of many styles of  Tai ji. When Tai ji was to be introduced in international competition, the question was as to which form would be the standard. Someone brilliantly, didn’t want to exclude any of the other styles and decided to create combinations of the styles of Tai ji. In the 1980’s, for the 11th Asian games the 42 form was introduced so that in the international arena, an exposure of Tai ji would be introduced. This form is part Yang, part Wu, part Sun and part Chen. Composed of 4 movements it expresses a sense of the 4 forms and integrates them into a sampler package. I had no idea what I was learning, until years later when I would have a taste of each of the forms.

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